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Showing posts from January, 2022

Pasta alla Norma

Picture it, Sicily....this week's recipes are going to be surrounded around the Golden Girls. I hope you enjoy a tasty dinner from where the Golden Girls were born. This recipe serves 4. Today's recipe is a sicilian dish that I am sure Sophia made it.... 😂 What you'll need: 1 eggplant, sliced into 1" rounds 2T rock salt 1 (14.25oz) can tomato puree 1tsp rock salt 1 lightly smashed clove of garlic 5 large basil leaves 2T olive oil 1 (8oz) pack of penne pasta 3 1/2T ricotta 1T cayenne pepper Create: Combine eggplant and 2 tablespoons of salt in a large bowl with water to cover. Place a plate on top of the eggplant to weigh it down and keep it covered in water for about 30 minutes. Drain and rinse eggplant in cool water. Pat dry and cut into cubes. Combine tomato puree, 1 teaspoon rock salt, garlic, and basil in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until sauce flavors combine, 5 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a skillet over medium

Boozy Chocolate Cream Pie

I started the other week with boozy edibles. I posted a yummy jello shot recipe. Today I am bringing you a pie in a cup! What you'll need: 1 1/2oz vanilla vodka 1/2oz chocolate liqueur 1/2oz rum chata 1/2oz chocolate syrup Create: To a mixing glass with ice, add vanilla vodka, rumchata, chocolate liqueur and chocolate syrup. Shake. Pour mix into an ice-filled rocks glass. Top with whipped cream, green sugar and a cherry. *This recipe makes one cream pie drink  

Essential Oil Air Freshener in a Jar

  This is a great idea to fragrance small areas like your bathroom, a small bedroom and more. You don't need a lot of supplies and it's cheap to do. What you'll need: Essential oils of your choice 4oz mason jar baking soda cupcake liner skewer or other pointy object Create: Add ¼ cup of baking soda to a small jar with 5 – 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix this well. Put a cupcake liner on top of the jar in between the jar and band for the lid. Screw the lid down tightly. Use a skewer or other pointy object to poke holes in the cupcake liner.

DIY Rainbow Decor for Kids

These are super cute, easy to make and would make great Valentine decorations. Grab your kiddos and supplies and have some fun for a bit. What you'll need: rainbow coloured paper  scissors PVA glue bright coloured ribbon pegs Create: Begin by cutting the coloured paper into 3cm wide strips. To make a rainbow decoration like ours, you’ll need two strips in each of the following colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red paper strips. But you can mix and match different colors together depending on what you have at home. Now you need to cut the rainbow of paper strips into varying lengths. If you want to have purple on the outside, that should be the longest strip and every color after that needs to be at least 2cm shorter than the last. On one of the shortest red strips, dab a little glue on the ends and press together to form a tear shape. Continue dabbing glue onto the ends of the orange strip and form the tear shape this time around the red one. Repeat until you’ve use

Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Let's face it, a lot of us have unwanted belly fat that we would like to get rid of. Eating well doesn't work alone just as exercising doesn't either. You need both in your life to help you lose weight. Below are some great foods to make sure you are eating to help with the loss of that belly fat you don't want! Oatmeal Berries Nuts Lean Meat Use Olive Oil when cooking Whole Grains Eggs Peanut Butter Grapefruit Green Veggies  

Quote of the Day 1/31/22

People waste their time pondering whether a glass is half empty or half full. Me, I just drink whatever's in the glass. ~Sophia  

DIY Dryer Balls

This DIY post we are making dryer balls out of socks! Why socks? We all know socks go in but sometimes they never come out. Instead of throwing those socks away, save them and you can make your own dryer balls and save money! What you'll need: socks your favorite essential oils Create: Begin by dropping 20 drops of the essential oil you chose on your first sock. Then roll the sock up starting at the toe end and going up toward the cuff. Now roll the cuff over onto itself tightly to form a ball. Place that sock on top of another sock. Add 20 more drops of your essential oil onto the second sock. Roll that one up with the first sock ball starting from toe to cuff. Tightly wrap the cuff over it to form your ball. Repeat this for 4-6 socks. When your scent starts to wear off you can add more essential oils by opening the cuff and dropping them into the center.  

Best Ways to Save Money on Gas

  Everything is going up! Food, gas, clothes you name it, it has gone up! We all need a little help in saving every penny we can. Below are the best ways to help save money on gas. Join a gas station rewards program Get a warehouse club membership Use GasBuddy Carpool whenever it's convenient Keep your tires properly inflated Maximize your regular routes Drive with fuel efficiency in mind Buy a more fuel efficient car on your next car replacement. Gas station rewards programs can be awesome. I shop at Kroger's a lot, what I do to help earn even more fuel points is I buy a visa or mastercard gift card because they are normally 2x or 4x the fuel points. I then use that gift card to checkout. So by the time I checkout I normally have at least .20 off! If you belong to a warehouse membership their gas is normally always cheaper than anywhere else. If you don't belong to one and think you would shop there on occasion sign up and start getting gas cheaper instantly! GasBuddy is

Bourbon Apple CIder Jello Shots

This week in the adult corner I am going to be posting boozy foods. I picked this one first since we are still in the cold season of the year and apple cider can still be found. The recipe doesn't tell how many it will make. What you'll need: 1 packet gelatin (unflavored) 1c apple cider 1c bourbon .5c cinnamon syrup cinnamon sugar lemon juice plastic jello shot cups Create: Rim plastic shot glasses in lemon juice and dip them into the cinnamon sugar and set aside. In a saucepan combine apple cider and cinnamon syrup. Sprinkle gelatin on top. Let it bloom for 2-3 minutes. Heat on a medium heat and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in the bourbon. Pour into your shot glasses stopping before the cinnamon sugar rim. Place in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight, then enjoy.  

Best Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

Whatever reason you are stressed for, these days I think everyone is on some level. Take some time for yourself to try and help unwind. Yoga is great for that. Below are 7 of the best yoga poses to try and help relieve some stress. Standing forward bend: Reach tall and exhale forward, then bend knees enough to be able to place your palms on the floor, with your head pressed against your legs. Be aware of your spine stretching in different directions as you pull your head down and in. For a deeper stretch, try to straighten the legs. Hold this pose for 6-8 breaths, then whilst inhaling, stretch arms outwards and raise them and your torso back to the standing position. Benefits of this pose are: Stretches hamstrings, thighs and hips Effective for stress relief, fatigue and mild depression. Cat-Cow pose: Cat – Start on all fours, then while exhaling, round your back toward the ceiling and bring your navel up towards your spine. Bring back to the neutral position, of spine and head align