Can you remember where you were? I can, I was on 71 north heading to 315 on my way to work listening to Dave and Jimmy on Wnci. I remember hearing about the first tower and immediately started into crying. I remember rushing into my job calling my mom asking her if she had reached our family in New York. I remember calling my son's daycare asking if everyone was okay. Then I made my last phone call to my husband (who worked 3rds at the time) I said get out of bed an turn the TV on now! It was a somber day at work, I couldn't focus on anything, none of us could. Our boss let us leave early, I sped home and picked my son up from day care. Unfortunately he knew a bit about what happened because they were around TV's. He said "Mommy why would someone want to kill so many people"? How do you answer that question, how do you look at a 5 year old and answer that?
I don't think anyone will ever forget that horrific day, nor should anyone forget it!
I ask everyone here that follows My eeny weeny Blog to please have a moment of silence today, please say a prayer for those who lost their lives that day. Please say a prayer for the family members out there today that still mourn their losses. If you see a fireman, policeman, EMT, any Military member, please tell them thank you for all that they did and still do to help keep us, America safe!
What separates us from the animals, what separates us from the chaos, is our ability to mourn people we've never met.
~David Levithan
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