I try to meditate, I can't always clear my brain out
though between being bipolar and ADHD.
There are all kinds of benefits to doing it along
with different apps now. Below are 5 reasons
you should start trying to meditate.
Understanding your pain:
Mental pain and anxiety are a background noise that
can underlie much of what we do. Here's a chance to
see firsthand what's causing it.
Lower stress:
There's a lot of evidence these days that excess stress
causes a lot of illnesses and makes other illnesses worse.
Mindfulness decreases stress.
Connect better:
Ever find yourself staring blankly at a friend, lover, child
and you've no idea what they are saying? Mindfulness
helps you give them your full attention.
Improve focus:
It can be frustrating to have our mind stray off what
we're doing and be pulled in 6 directions.
Meditation hones our innate ability to focus.
Reduce brain chatter:
The nattering, chattering voice in our head seems never
to leave us alone. Isn't it time we gave it a little break?
You can't learn to block all the noise out your first try,
they say to meditate every day for at least 10 minutes.
Find yourself a quiet spot and use an app to start with
whether it guides you or just gives you soothing sounds to listen to.
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