My husband brought home tractor tires sometime last week, I honestly thought "this will be a fun workout" HA! Not really! I can honestly now say it was harder than I thought it would be but at the same time I had some kind of fun doing it. The tires he brought home for me are a bit heavy for me, I needed a bit of help initially getting up but I know one day I will be able to do it all on my own. My youngest son was out there with me (he has his own little tire) and my hubs was coaching us. I had to move the tire part of the yard, I then had to beat it with a sledge hammer.
After I beat up my tire (pretending it was my trainer), just joking on that one but I then had to do planks. My youngest son had to flip his tire, do sit-ups and the run to a near by building. He also proceeded to do planks with me. I didn't even need to leave my house to get in a good workout. By the time I was done I was exhausted! I can't find any documentation on how many calories you burn while doing this but I will tell you it was a GREAT workout!
Build a Better Body using Tire Flip Training...
3 Simple Tire Flip Workout Guidelines...
Flip a tire 35-to-100 times or flip it for 50-to-100 yards and…
Use a tire that is not too light or too heavy so…
Too heavy = you can only flip it 1-to-2 times before you need to rest
Too light = you can flip a tire 10-to-20 times without stopping
Moderate or just right = you can flip tire 5-to-10 times without stopping and…
Take 3-to-10 days off between tire flip workouts and…
You can burn more fat & build more muscle each tire flip workout by...
Doing 35-to-100 tire flips or flipping a tire 50-to-100 yards faster & faster each workout and/or…
Adding exercises like Jumping jacks or jogging in place to your workouts and/or…
Using a heavier tire (or any other heavy object you can lift & flip)
For more great information on tire flipping, and videos click here!
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